CEC22 Finalists Announced: Best Projects, Youth Competition

Veröffentlicht am: Oct 24, 2022Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

CEC22 Finalists Announced: Best Projects, Youth Competition

We are delighted to announce the finalists for the 2022 Edition of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition! Congratulations to everyone who made the shortlist.
Each ear the CEC uplifts innovative and creative people of all ages who want to challenge common assumptions that entrepreneurship is a domain of people living in wealthy countries with a certain level of higher education.

Our contestants have the opportunity to integrate free entrepreneurship training with the SDGs to bring useful business ideas, initiatives, and projects that support local communities and circular and sustainable economic models. See who made the cut in the Best Projects category of the Youth Competition!

  1. New device helps paraplegics walk
    Mohammed Awad, Syria
  2. BeFly
    Johan Sebastián Chávez Mosquera, Colombia
  3. FountEd
    Mahesh Pandit, Nepal
  4. Project RoboTeach_Nepal
    Veer Chandra Kamati, Nepal
  5. Future Seeds
    Arthur Sales, Brazil
  6. Socio-economic and professional integration project for 1,000 young people and women
  7. Yura Warmi - Woman Plant
    Yura Warmi Team, Peru
  8. Collective Efforts
    Tamish Agarwal, India
  9. Quality Education
    Asamoah, Ghana
  10. The Phoenix Project
    Daksh, United Arab Emirates

Congratulations to the finalists!
A big thank you goes out to all the contestants! Find all the nominated projects in the Youth Competition here: Best Projects 2022

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