“Don’t Fall in Love with Your Initial Idea,” Tips for Success by Jochen Schell

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 16, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

“Don’t Fall in Love with Your Initial Idea,” Tips for Success by Jochen Schell

Young people are the future and present and they have a key role in social says Jochen Schell, Director at YEPP International Resource Center in an interview for the Entrepreneurship Campus. Jochen also shares valuable tips and his experience with YEPP approach and methodology on the participation of children and young people in community projects. He highlights the importance of community needs as a key factor that drives participation of young people in decision making and various projects.
Meanwhile, Jochen points out the importance of entrepreneurial skills and mindset when looking for solutions to social issues and problems in communities. This is why it’s important to train young people and teach them entrepreneurial skills and approaches.
“They learn about income generation, sustainability and how businesses can survive on their own based on a business model and without no support from investors,” Jochen stressed.
Listen to the interview for more motivation, tips, flexibility, and why it’s important to not fall in love with your initial idea.

If you are an aspiring young entrepreneur or eager to improve the lives of people in your community, here with us you can learn more. Take our free training and gain entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. You can participate in the 2018 edition of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition if you have an idea or a project.


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Brain versus capital in our training has reiterated this fact and as a person I have personal refine my idea since my first sub,ission. Taking the training and reading the ideas, I have seen that my initial idea was just a framework and as I get more knowledge, I am really inderrstanding what I want to do. So I enclurage campus members to to settle on their initial idea but brace up and read the blogs and take the training you will surely see the need to refine those ideas.



Thank you campus administrator for this opportuntiy


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