How the Entrepreneurship Campus Brings Like-Minded Young Entrepreneurs Together

Veröffentlicht am: Jul 12, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

How the Entrepreneurship Campus Brings Like-Minded Young Entrepreneurs Together

Entrepreneurship Campus

Every day young people from all around the world that have a special interest in social entrepreneurship participate in countless events, gatherings, and meeting both virtually and physically. They discuss their ideas, projects, and dreams for the future with likeminded people and motivate each other. At the moment when the event is over a huge part of what has been achieved and planned is lost due to the lack of an established network of people that can continue to discuss and help each other despite long distances or contextual distances.
On the other hand, it happens to all of us to look for people that share a vision or equal aspirations at school, in our community gatherings or at work. Sometimes we can’t find anyone and this makes it difficult to achieve a goal when you don’t have someone that shares the same vision. In such cases, other people around you may be either indifferent or skeptical.

Don’t worry!

In the world of entrepreneurship, this is a common situation. If you’re looking for an opportunity to get you motivated where you can meet a lot of people that normally you can’t in your daily life, the Entrepreneurship Campus is the right place for you.
Here you can join a global network of young people like you from all over the world, who may be looking for you.
There are experienced young entrepreneurs and people that have just started to get into the entrepreneurial world. Together you can discuss solutions that they may have implemented before and found out if they can work or not in your context. At the Entrepreneurship Campus, you can build friendships that can help you place the cornerstone of a successful business. You may have a great idea and the commitment to work hard for achieving this, but never forget the importance of creating strong relationships and getting connected with people like you.
If you have already joined the Campus and the 2018 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, you can help other contestants to improve their ideas and projects. If you have an idea, the right people to inspire you, and the conditions to make it happen, just go for it!

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The Youth citizen entrepreneurship competition is really the answers. I have met people that I will not have met life.

Thank you for the opportunity YCEC Team



Thank you YCEC for the opportunity to be in this platform. I have really learn and still learning interesting things to be apply in life.



This is absolutely right! Since my joining in Entrepreneurship Campus, I have been able to interact with the like-minded people who inspires me everyday, gives shares their ideas, gives me valuable suggestions.



This is indeed a great platform where to network.



I’m really honored to be part of this community and I look forward to learning more.


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