#MEET JobForce

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 18, 2016
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

#MEET JobForce


#MEET JobForce

This is a short interview we conducted with Ernest Oviosun Ohikhuare, the founder of “JobForce”. If you like the concept of this idea and would like to vote for it, click HERE.

  • What is your background?

My name is Ernest Oviosun Ohikhuare. My project's name is JobForce. I am Nigerian and 23yrs old. I graduated in Medical laboratory science.

  • Describe your idea or project in two sentences.

1. It make users self employed. 2. JobForce reduces the rate of unemployment.

  • What are the benefits you take from the Entrepreneurship Campus?

Better thinking and innovative skills.

  • What motivates you to be an entrepreneur?

Anger against poverty and joblessness.

  • Imagine you have ‚supreme power’ to create and innovate: how would your world look like? What changes would you like to make in your community and/or in the world? Share your thoughts from a ‚supreme power’ and entrepreneur standpoint.

A carefully analyzed and structured employment system. Motivations on new innovations.

  • What would you say to potential voters who may be reading your interview?

If you can't handle the world at its worst then you don't deserve it at its best. Help bring out the best out of the world.

• NOTICE: If you want to see more submitted ideas and projects at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, visit BEST IDEAS and BEST PROJECTS and VOTE for the ones you think deserve to WIN the Competition!

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Thank you youth Citizen Entrepreneurship competition for these interviews. There present great ideas for campus members’ domestication and applicability to our various setting and the beneficiaries voices are great lessons on evaluating programmes impacts.

Thank you campus administrator for making this possible.



From job force. I learnt from his motivation of “Anger against poverty and joblessness.

Thank you campus administrator for taking time to include these interviews in the blogs for our learning.


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