Raving Guy & the art of pitchin an entrepreneurial design

Veröffentlicht am: Jun 22, 2006
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Raving Guy & the art of pitchin an entrepreneurial design

By now Guy Kawasaki's'the art of the start' (Amazon) start-upguide book is a 'modern classic' in entrepreneurship. As Guy himself puts it,the book contains "time-tested, battle-hardened tactics for anyone starting acompany". Guy just held the keynote presentation at the Fast Pitch Competitionof the LA based venture capital and business angel network Tech Coast Angels(TCA). There is quite a'formal intro' with 3 eminent people introducing the event, thanking thesponsors and welcoming Guy. So I recommend you to jump to the beginning of Guy'sspeech at min. 11. When you are busy and only wanna see some selected parts ofGuy's presentation, I recommend you to use the really handy navigation availablewhen you click on 'slide list'. There they have chopped up his elaborated adviceaccording to the slides he uses. This allows for a good overview and enables youto jump to the aspects relevant to you. Foreveryone who always wondered how west coast tech companies do pitch their worldchanging, patent pending, super hot start up's take a look @ the pages about theactual pitchcompetition (unfortunately the videos were not functioning when I tried, butthere are text summaries of the pitches) Lastly let me refer youto the Teach Coast Angels site listing their affiliation with Universities'"programs to promote the efficient identification, management, development and commercialization of marketable technologies": University Tech Transfer


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