The UN and UNESCO Call on Youth to Join Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

Veröffentlicht am: Apr 13, 2017
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

The UN and UNESCO Call on Youth to Join Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition

UNESCO and the United Nations call on those who have an idea or project to join this successful youth-led competition. This is your chance to receive international recognition, find solutions to problems and empower youth.

Here at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, we are happy that international organizations like the United Nations and UNESCO support our program and initiative by spreading the word worldwide. An article published respectively by UNESCO and the United Nations helps to raise awareness on the role of youth and innovation for making a change in their communities, countries and beyond.

The article voices the Youth Citizens Entrepreneurship Competition aim for creating a better and brighter future for everyone.

“Co-organized by the Goi Peace Foundation (GAP Key Partner), Stiftung Entrepreneurship and Digital Experts United, the Competition invites young entrepreneurs (age 15-35) from around the world to submit their innovative ideas and projects with a societal impact, which champions and implements one or more of the 17 SDGs,” the article says.

Spreading the word is important in order that young entrepreneurs from all over the world can contribute to discover their power and potential and most of all, to fulfil their potential. The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition helps young people from developing countries not only to have a say about the problems they face but also take initiative and drive progress with the help of innovative ideas and projects.

At YCEC you can found knowledge and guidance for improving their entrepreneurial skills and a big community of young people that share ideas and support each other. Visit Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition and be part of our global community.


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Yes why not?. Those that understand the benefits derived from this competition will always want to publicized the campus competition.

I suggest campus members past and present should take up this challenge if we really belive in this noble course. It is not all about the competition but the knowledge, resources and trainings and the networks. Oh goodness there are amazing.



Thank you UNESCO for creating the necessary visibility for this competition.
It is campus members responsibility to follow in your steps.



“The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition helps young people from developing countries not only to have a say about the problems they face but also take initiative and drive progress with the help of innovative ideas and projects”.

True to last word.
Thank you very much.


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