UNESCO Features 2019 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Winners

Veröffentlicht am: Oct 30, 2019
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

UNESCO Features 2019 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Winners

2019 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition winners

The winners of the 2019 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition in the Best Ideas and Best Projects categories were featured by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, on Wednesday.

The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, a global program that mobilizes and nurtures youth-innovative initiatives to build a more sustainable world, is Co-organized by the Goi Peace Foundation (GAP Key Partner), Stiftung Entrepreneurship and Digital Experts United.

The initiative enables skill acquisition through online learning, access to a global network of young entrepreneurs and innovators, and the chance to test youth entrepreneurial spirit, skills, and networking abilities in an over the six-month-long competition. During those months, the contestants are encouraged to become responsible citizens and community players and to drive change through sustainable ideas and projects.

Young people from 109 countries covering all regions participated in the 2019 edition of the competition and 879 entries made it through the two stages of the competition. The winners of the 2019 competition were officially announced at the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin on 20 October 2019.

The complete article can be found on the UNESCO website while the list of winners is available here.

Good luck to the winners and all the participants!

Photo: Unesco Headquarters courtesy of unesco.org

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Thank you UNESCO for the sincere partnership with the campus competition.



Great work as always UNESCO. Thank you for the support.



Happy 2020 to all campus member, we are going to rule the planet with function and unconventional



I want to extend my merry chritmas and happy 2020 to all, especially the campus team



This is such a heartwarming News


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