“We have two choices. We can be pessimistic, give up, and help ensure that the worst will happen. Or we can be optimistic, grasp the opportunities that surely exist, and maybe help make the world a better place. Not much of a choice.”
Naom Chomsky - Optimism over Despair, on Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change
Among many other issues, Chomsky considers climate change a burning threat to the world and humanity. Even millennials that participate in the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Survey in 2017 for the third year in a row say that climate change is the most concerning issue that is affecting our world and our lives every day. While a considerable percentage of millennials, people between the ages of 22 and 37, consider changing their lifestyle in order to take action against major threats like climate change, there are numerous people unaware of such risks.
Unemployment is next in the list of young people's most concerning issues. Not all people around the world share the same access to employment opportunities and decent work. Lacking a secure job for a long time can have severe consequences but the most important thing is to be positive.
Speaking of positivity, what makes you feel safe and secure? Do these things also make you happy? Everything is relative and most of all, it depends on the context and circumstances where we live. Are you able to see problems as opportunities?
“Problems are a wonderful hook to develop ideas for their solution. For beginners: while most people are annoyed when it starts to rain, the entrepreneur says: now is the best time to sell umbrellas,” Gunter Faltin says in his book Brains versus Capital.
Speaking of entrepreneurs, the world needs social entrepreneurs. What else do we need? A business class that is concerned about major issues that have an impact on the world and future generations. Being a social entrepreneur is not the easiest thing nor the most difficult. You need to provide an ORIGINAL solution to a concern that affects an entire community or group. Even though instant profit is not the primary driver of big entrepreneurs and especially social entrepreneurs, your service or product must have an economic impact.
Take Action!
Look around you. Even the most developed countries face problems related to lack of education, gender equality, corruption, access to health care, etc. Even if there’s a little we can do about major issues such as wars and religious conflicts, each of us can take action when it comes to reducing inequality, and responsible production and consumption.
Think about a problem that keeps you up at night. Try to think about a creative and innovative way to improve something that doesn’t work properly.
If you think you need more knowledge, don’t hesitate to take our free courses. You will gain an entrepreneurial mindset and the necessary skills for turning an initial idea into a concrete initiative.
We would be happy to see your solutions. You can also be part of the 2018 edition of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition with your ideas and projects.
Remembers that we are responsible both for our actions and inactions. Think about the most concerning issue in your city or country and how it will affect future generations if no one takes action. You can do your part, find inspiration and inspire others.
Photo Credit: pixabay.com