“Young Entrepreneurs as Drivers of Sustainable Growth”

Veröffentlicht am: Mar 31, 2016
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

“Young Entrepreneurs as Drivers of Sustainable Growth”
A boat trip from Port Elizabeth to Kingstown, in the Caribbean country of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, is a one-hour trip that locals take several times a day. It was during one of this journeys that the boat of Kamara Jerome, a young Vincentian fisherman, ran out of gas approximately six miles from Bequia City in what is termed locally as the “Bequia Channel”. While waiting for help with strong wind gusts and the sun on his head, the idea of developing a boat that would run with wind/solar energy was born. Soon after, the idea became a prototype; a boat using green technology was on the water making 20-year-old Jerome a winner of international innovation competitions and a role model to other Caribbean youth.In Mexico, Daniel Gomez, a young Mexican engineer runs a multimillion bio-diesel company originally conceived as a research project for his high school chemistry class. Gomez and his partners – Guillermo Colunga, Antonio Lopez, and Mauricio Pareja – founded SOLBEN (Solution in bio-energy in Spanish) in their early twenties.Although, Daniel and Kamara have different educational backgrounds, they do share one important skill, the ability to identify a problem, develop an innovative solution, and take it to the market. In other words, being an entrepreneur, an alternative to be economically active, that seems to work and not only for a few.
Young people 15 – 29 represent over one-fourth of the world’s total population. On average, they have higher education levels, get married and start families later than their parents’ generations, and are known for having better-than-ever access to, and knowledge of information and communication technologies (ICTs).In recent years, labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean have had a steady recovery from the financial crisis of 2008 – 2009. Despite these factors, young people in the age group 15 – 29 face higher levels of unemployment and receive lower wages than the 30-64 age group (UNFPA 2011).  Medium-term projections suggest little improvement in youth labor markets will be seen and by 2016, the youth unemployment rate is projected to remain at the same high level as in the past years.These realities make Governments and international development agencies look at ways to generate greater economic opportunities for young people. Being entrepreneurship and the creation of innovative, sustainable businesses an ideal avenue for youth employment and occupational activity. A recently published World Bank study presents findings on entrepreneurial education and training programs leading to positive change.

Can youth entrepreneurship drive sustainable growth?


Many seem to think so, from Government leaders, to academics. Yet, there is a need to connect the dots, close the conversational gap and facilitate dialogue between decision makers and young entrepreneurs. In an effort to do so, the World Bank in collaboration with The Young Americas Business Trust – an international nonprofit that promotes youth development through entrepreneurship and participation – launched a global campaign to amplify the voice of young entrepreneurs. Using social media and virtual platforms, a series of global dialogues will bring them together to discuss three key questions:

– What government programs and policies have been most successful in getting your ideas off the ground?
– What experiences have shaped your entrepreneurial philosophy, what advice would you give others?
– How can young entrepreneurs contribute to growth and shared prosperity in the developing world?

Results of the Global Dialogues provide inputs and lead the conversation to a high-level panel on “Young Entrepreneurs as Drivers of Sustainable Growth”, a flagship event of the World Band and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings that will take place in Lima, Peru. The event seeks to highlight the power of youth innovation and entrepreneurship as drivers of development and inclusive growth.

The article was first published at the World Bank's Opportunities for All blog

Valerie Lorena is the Executive Director of the Young Americas Business Trust.

Photo credits: Grow Boys

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This is very true. It is our responsibility as young persons to go into entrepreneurship and embrace the idea. We are indeed going to lead future entrepreneurship but if we are so scared to start how can we sustain entrepreneurship. I encourage other sectors to emulate the youth entrepreneurship comptetition for giving young persons like me opportuntiy in this noble service in other places we are not being represented. Then how can we learn and impact on our world now and in future?



Great article. This has motivating and spur me the more to encourage young ones like my daughter to go into enterpreneurship. Indeed young people will drive sustainable development goals achievement. We just need to give the the opportunity and the space to launsh their ideas. This is what enterpreneurship campus have offer for us free of charge. I encourage all campus members to read these articles and keep the flag flying.



Yes youth entrepreneurship can drive sustainable growth as they are foundation for growth in any country. Educational institutions has been of great help in terms of building up many innovative ideas youth have and its implementation. Seminars, conferences and workshop which have all been organized and from all these youths gain experience and ideas. Our ideas if implemented would be very profitable and contribute to the growth of developing countries.



The key challenge facing entrepreneurs remains poor or no mentorship, low or no ease access to funding and market complexity and diversity. In summary poor or no financial education.


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