Entrepreneurship Summit

12./13.10.2024 BERLIN

More with Less - Entrepreneurship in the Age of Overshooting Resources

More with Less -
Entrepreneurship in the Age of Overshooting Resources

Yes, we have the chance to create a better world. More loving, more sensitive than has ever been possible before. But we have to get it started ourselves, get into the ring ourselves, undertake it ourselves.

Let's get active. As self-confident entrepreneurs, frugal, but acting sustainably. More modest in terms of resource consumption. More demanding in terms of a fulfilled life.

October 13 is a memorable date. On this day, the news came that the Nobel Peace Prize would be awarded to Muhammad Yunus. Prof. Muhammad Yunus has agreed to celebrate this anniversary with us at the next summit.

We look forward to keynotes from Prof. Maja Göpel, Prof. Harald Welzer, Maria Palmieri, Bodo Janssen, Boris Palmer, Dr. Michael Kötz and Prof. Günter Faltin, workshops, impulse groups, discussion panels and, as always, to more than 1000 participants, to many informal meetings and personal conversations.

Muhammad Yunus

"All human beings are born entrepreneurs. Some get a chance to unleash that capacity. Some never got the chance, never knew that he or she has that capacity" (Muhammad Yunus)

When Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof. Muhammad Yunus accepted our invitation a year ago to give a keynote address at our Entrepreneurship Summit on October 12-13, 2024, the political developments of recent months in Bangladesh could not have been foreseen.

Prof. Yunus was initially convicted of alleged abuses in his companies and was on the verge of going to prison. But then came the surprising turn of events: after public protests against the former government, Yunus was appointed by the military in August 2024 to lead the country through a period of reforms, as chief adviser to the interim government.

Prof. Yunus is currently in a challenging political situation: between the military and unrest in his own country. We are in close contact with his team and unfortunately have to report that it has become uncertain whether Prof. Yunus will be able to give his keynote address at our event. Of course, we will keep trying and hope that he will be able to make it – at least by connecting online. But the situation on the ground is currently so unpredictable that we will probably only have clarity shortly before our event.

In any case, his close colleague, Maria Palmieri, will be at our summit. She has been the director of the Grameen Creative Lab for the past three years and can report on Prof. Yunus' work first hand.

We will, of course, keep you all informed.


Keynotes / Workshops / Impulse groups / Dialogues



You can find the speakers at our Entrepreneurship Summit 2024 here.


Proof of concept

Pitch your idea in front of over 1000 potentional customers.
Note: Please note that only applications in German can be considered.


Family-friendly and forward-thinking: childcare at the Entrepreneurship Summit

The Entrepreneurship Summit stands for “More with Less” – more innovation with fewer resources. This principle also applies to our youngest. We want to give parents the opportunity to fully concentrate on the Summit while their children experience an inspiring and enriching time.

“Discover your potential” and “Care for nature” – even for the youngest

Our childcare is more than just supervision. It reflects the values of the Summit and promotes important skills in children at an early stage, such as creativity, sustainability and musical understanding.

Discover the full potential of the Entrepreneurship Summit – as a family!

We invite you to be inspired by our offers for children and to spend an unforgettable time at the Summit together with your family.

Keynotes, workshops, networking – and an inspiring time for the whole family!

More information & registration


Insights into our previous Entrepreneurship Summits

Playlist Summit 2022

Keynote speeches, among others, by Prof. Werner Sobek, Prof. Tania Singer, Bart Weetjens, Prof. Gerald Hüther, Gunter Pauli, Nora Griefahn

Playlist Summit 2022

Keynote speeches, among others, by: Dr. Joana Breidenbach, Prof. Maren Urner, Prof. Arndt Pechstein, Günes Seyfarth, Dr. Florian Langenscheidt

Playlist Live Talks

with Prof. Michael Braungart, Mali Baum, Prof. Gerald Hüther, Constantinos Kalios. (KoRo), Carolin Möllenbeck (ooohne), Philipp Kauffmann, Bodo Janssen and many more


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