Dr. Kathrin Gassert & Thomas Räuchle-Gehrig in Live Interview
In the beginning, it is just a thought: that perhaps tea trade could be organized in a completely different way...
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The first virtual Entrepreneurship Summit is approaching. From October 9th to 11th, 2020 we will be devoting ourselves to the topic "The Great Transformation". Today we introduce you to our keynote speakers.
Claudia Langer is a founder. Claudia Langer has been unable to help herself since she first experienced the thrill of entrepreneurial success at the age of sixteen. After the successful advertising agency "Avantgarde", she founded the Internet platform " utopia.de ", wrote the book "The Generation Man-must-mal: A polemic" and finally brought the Generations Foundation into being.
Johanna Richter met Claudia Langer for an interview .
Claudia, you founded your first agency even before you graduated from high school. What drove you to found a company so early?
I didn't even want to start a business. I just wanted the things I had in my head to happen. I wanted and want to change the world around me. To create something. But I always had to found in order to create.
Because what you wanted didn't exist yet...
Exactly. Something's missing, so I'm doing it now. And also a bit: I do something that I enjoy. I'm a very pleasure-oriented person - and not all of my start-ups have always been totally reasonable...
You can find the whole interview here .
Wolf Lotter began studying cultural management at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna in 1983 and began studying communication sciences and history at the University of Vienna. While still a student, Wolf Lotter wrote for the city newspaper "Falter" (Vienna) and the business magazines "Trend-Profil-Extra" and "Cash Flow". Lotter became a permanent employee at Cash-Flow in 1988, and a year later editor for reports.
In 1992, Wolf Lotter was one of the founding editors of the magazine "news", but just one year later he switched to the business and later science editorial departments of the Austrian news magazine "profil", where he worked until 1999 - with interruptions. In 1996, Lotter conceived "Cyberrama", the digital page of the profile, and was in charge of setting up the science editorial team (1997).
At the same time, Wolf Lotter wrote for the Hamburg business magazine "econy" from 1998 and became a member of the editorial team from the second issue onwards. This also marks the beginning of the collaboration with Gabriele Fischer. A year later, Lotter was one of the co-founders of the business magazine " brand eins ", where he has been responsible for the leading articles (introductions) to the main topics since 2000. With his books, lectures and commentaries, these "principle articles" establish Wolf Lotter's reputation as one of the leading publicists in the field of describing the transformation from the old industrial society to the new knowledge society.
Wolf Lotter is in favor of a soberly optimistic approach to future issues and against alarmist and pessimistic scenarios.
In September, Wolf Lotter's new book will be published .
Founder of the tea campaign, author, initiator of the Entrepreneurship Summit
“Even at school I liked reading about Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie or the Rothschilds. Not as subject matter, but under the bench. In my time, dealing with economics was considered something disreputable, even indecent. I could hardly imagine anything more exciting and instructive. I even had to secretly read the business section of the FAZ.”
Prof. Faltin built up the Entrepreneurship department at the Freie Universität Berlin. 30 years ago he founded the tea campaign - a success story - and today accompanies company founders as a business angel. In 2001 he set up the Entrepreneurship Foundation, which organizes the annual Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin. In 2010, the Federal President awarded him the Federal Order of Merit as a pioneer of entrepreneurship. His book “Head Beats Capital” is a bestseller that has been translated into eight languages. Faltin lives and works in Berlin and Chiang Mai.
In the beginning, it is just a thought: that perhaps tea trade could be organized in a completely different way...
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