Do You Want to Save the Ocean?

Published on: Mar 28, 2018
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

Do You Want to Save the Ocean?

turtle journey

The news of 80 Olive Ridley turtles hatching in Mumbai’s Versova Beach made the headlines in India. This looks like an ordinary news, but if you do some research, Versova beach is famous because it went from one of the dirtiest beaches of Mumbai to a fabulous pristine area. The beach used to be covered in waste, plastic, garbage, but it was completely cleaned after a long clean-up action done by volunteers. The beach transformation went viral, and now even the small Olive Ridley turtles that were spotted on the beach after 20 years of absence are going viral too. Versova project is a motivational example for all the people and projects that tackle beach and marine pollution like the numerous entries that we receive at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition.
Ocean pollution is not only about the waste that washes ashore in beaches. It has huge consequences on marine life and their environment, and humanity.

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. The increasingly adverse impacts of climate change (including ocean acidification), overfishing and marine pollution are jeopardizing recent gains in protecting portions of the world’s oceans.

Ocean pollution is a highly concerning issue. The facts are scary. We should not wait for the governments or international organizations or the industry to take the measures that can change the situation. Our daily actions have an impact on ocean pollution. On the other hand, each of us can help to reduce pollution and even influence change in our communities. Even if this sounds difficult to achieve, if you have an idea or project that address ocean pollution, stick to it.
About 80 percent of water pollution comes from land. Fertilizers, single-use plastics, oil, industrial chemicals are dumped into the ocean and somehow they come back to us. We have previously shown you in the interview with Viktoria Trosien how the Universal Sea Project tackles plastic pollution through an innovative way that can get more people engaged.
At the Entrepreneurship Campus, you can learn how to turn an idea into an innovative solution. Take our free lessons and gain an entrepreneurial mindset that will help you to polish your idea. If you already have one or you are running a project that champions at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals be part of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2018.
Submit your idea or project that has an impact and help change the world.
Find inspiration in the case of Versova Beach and the Olive Ridley turtles. Even though they hatched in a clean beach, they now swim in a polluted ocean.

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Comments (7)



Voluntary work can help do a lot to our society. This is an example of a significant work that can be done if we all volunteer our skills and talents.



“The beach used to be covered in waste, plastic, garbage, but it was completely cleaned after a long clean-up action done by volunteers. The beach transformation went viral, and now even the small Olive Ridley turtles that were spotted on the beach after 20 years of absence are going viral too. Versova project is a motivational example for all the people and projects that tackle beach and marine pollution like the numerous entries that we receive at the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition”.

Marvelous article indeed. These articles are quite eye opening. There are many beaches even in my country left unattended to. Filled with gabage and plastics as the versova beach in the article. That shows that something can be done. These articles are ideas for campus members. Thank you for sharing campus administrators. T

Amrita jain


In terrestrial land we use biosphere reserve, sanctuaries etc for protection of biodiversity, likewise in Oceans some areas converted into protected area in which no HUMAN interference occurred.



We can also save our rivers. Most are drying up and filled with debris. Planting trees along river banks will go a long way to prevent them drying.

Preksha nahta


Now these has to be taken on to bigger level altogether.i.e not only in big cities but also smaller areas where the condition is much worse to achieve sdg.

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