Projectonline course on communication "GoTalk"
Project Type:
Informal program/projectSDGs:
Good Health and Well-being
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ComponentsAccounting / FinancesInvestment
My project is called the Go Tolk online communication course. This course lasts 4 weeks and is designed for people who have difficulty expressing their thoughts clearly and talking about various topics.
My course consists of 4 important parts:
author's card game TalkOut
team building on communication
daily interactive tasks
author's guide "10 steps to developing communication skills"
At team building events, I want to introduce a mini-debate format, because this option is one of the best for helping course participants express their thoughts clearly and learn how to talk with people on different topics. They can listen to the opinions of others, analyze and express their own point of view.
I came up with the card game myself, starting with the design and ending with different life situations. This game will help participants get to know each other better and make new friends on the project
Interactive tasks are designed for course participants to change their pair every week and go through a week of training together. That is, at the end of the course, each participant will have at least 4 acquaintances. During each week, participants will have to get to know each other better, and on the very last day, present a document (presentation, poster, information) about their couple for this or that week. In this way, participants will understand6 that all people see us differently, some like us, some don’t, and that’s normal. That they can hate their friends and loved ones. The presentation format will help participants express their thoughts correctly and clearly for listeners. Speaking in public will help them gain confidence and improve their self-esteem.
I take an active part in volunteering and know many organizations, such as Artful Futures, Eunonia, Inclusive Academy, Unity and others. I can start collaborating with them in the future, doing joint events for children and more. These volunteer organizations help children develop their skills in various aspects: cinematography, drawing, design, English and so on. Communication skill is something that all people should have, so it would be relevant for them. We would share our experience and help people improve.
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