Announcing the Winners of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2021

Veröffentlicht am: Dec 10, 2021Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Announcing the Winners of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2021

We are happy to announce that another edition of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition has been successfully finalized and now it’s time to announce the 2021 winners.

The Entrepreneurship Campus and the organizers of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, and supports extend their congratulations to all the winners while expressing huge gratitude to all the contestants and finalists who once again have proved that entrepreneurship can entrepreneurial education can help build a sustainable world based on better economic models.
Moreover, we would like to thank the panel of judges who have contributed to the selection of our winners.
This edition of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition endorsed Education2030, the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development 2021, and #ESDfor2030.

The 2021 CEC followed the model of the 2020 competition. It was organized in two categories, respectively the Youth and Adult competitions. This model encourages people of all ages to get involved with entrepreneurial ideas and projects that contribute to sustainable development.

As one of our finalists says: You are never too young to start an empire and never too old to have a new dream.
Over 4,800 new members joined the 2021 competition. A total of 1,580 ideas and projects have been saved in our database, while 305 ideas and 79 projects were nominated for the competition.
Out of these, the 17 winners below were selected:


Best Ideas, Youth Competition

Grand Prize Winner
Developing Communities, by Lin Pyae Hein from the United States

Second Prize Winner
Sustainable agricultural production" the solution to global food insecurity, by Ladi Bulus from Nigeria

Third Prize Winner
BioV" – Strategy to Alleviate Indigenous Communities from Cancerous Herbicides by Joy, Ananya, and Monika from Canada

Third Prize Winner
Biofertilizers for improved agriculture by Frank Damas Masinde from Tanzania


Best Projects, Youth Competition

Grand Prize Winner
Project AuraEd by Priyanshu Pyakurel from Nepal

Second Prize Winner
NGUOC "YOUTH LOOK UP! by NGUOC Organization from Viet Nam

Third Prize Winner
House of Udyog - Empowering communities, building resilience by Aarush Khanna from India

Best Ideas, Adult Competition

Grand Prize Winner
ANI (Actions Network Initiative) by Arnold Lapuz from the Philippines

Grand Prize Winner
Food & Wealth Concern Uganda (FOWECO-UG) by Fred Asega from Uganda

Second Prize Winner
Ufundi Mall’-Craftmanship Skills Service Provision Mall by Edita Medard Tairo from Tanzania

Third Prize Winner
Improved Access to Education and Learning Outcome for Youth by Sinneh Lahai Sen Sesay from Sierra Leone

Best Projects, Adult Competition

Grand Prize Winner
Combatting Rural Poverty Through Table Banking by Teh Francis from Cameron

Second Prize Winner
Earth Fashionist by Harshi Samarasekera from Sri Lanka

Third Prize Winner
Pigs for Peace and Resilience: Livestock Initiative to Prevent Radicalization by Joanes Toulac Jang from Cameroon

Third Prize Winner
Instantly Organic ™ Aquaponics by Refilwe Sorinyane from Botswana

People’s Choice Prize Winners

People’s Choice Prize Youth Competition
The Thermal Floater by Sparsh from India

People’s Choice Prize Adult Competition
Innovative Catfish project by Kolem Emmanuel from Cameroon

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