Elements Deck: A Daily Key for a Connected Life

Veröffentlicht am: Nov 30, 2021Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Elements Deck: A Daily Key for a Connected Life

Environmental economist and at the same time member of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition panel of judges, Pamela Peeters brings Elements, a 31-day program for personal development. The program helps to establish a relationship with the natural world while serving as a powerful exercise that can allow its user to reconnect with the feminine power that exists within men and women alike.

Elements” is an uplifting card deck that inspires personal growth, self-actualization, and the development of a more loving and genuine version of every person! This collection of thirty-one wisdom cards represents the voice and natural elements of our planet.

Each card offers a mindful meditation through the visual beauty, wisdom, and language of Mother Earth. Images from the natural world will give people a daily key for a connected life. This key unlocks a reservoir of clarity about life. The back of each card contains three questions for a thirty-one-day personal growth program, reconnecting the user with the feminine within while enriching relationships with others.

“Elements” integrates photographic observations of the outer Natural World with inner bridges to Mother Earth’s language. Each card opens a daily meditation for personal growth.

“With my Elements series, I aim to give a voice to Mother Earth who shares her unlimited love and abundance through her rivers, forests, air, and the riches contained in her soil. While the images are mine, the inspiration for the language comes from the natural world,” Pamela says.

Pamela Peeters is an award-winning environmental economist and sustainability strategist who develops educational programs for youth with her “Eco-Hero” program, now established in ten countries. She served on the marketing team of the U.S. partnerships for the UNESCO Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. As a filmmaker and author, Pamela developed, produced, and hosted the “Our Planet” television series between 2001 and 2007, filming in New York and beyond.

Photo by Elements

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