CEC 2024 Participants

Ideas and projects of the CEC 2024 participants

From 1 August to 31 July, the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition participants had time to work on their ideas and projects with our free courses and materials, develop them further, make contacts, exchange ideas in the campus community and collect votes for a month.

We look forward to presenting the participants and their concept-creative ideas and projects even after the end of CEC 2024:

It is a restaurant that helps solve 7 SDG's by giving out a meal and a bottle of water to the poor for every customer they have and all the food comes from sustainable farming where tourists could even go to experience and work a day in to learn where our food comes from! All the food waste goes to composting, all the hiring is from poor places with people who live in squatters, etc therefore, they get a chance to learn, work and have a home next to the restaurant reducing unemployment and building a community. This idea will benefit not only the climate but also the people.

In an era where many cities are not designed with pedestrians in mind, it is crucial to address the challenges faced by certain groups of people, such as people with disabilities and mothers with babies in strollers, who are walking around the city on daily basement. From personal experience, I have realized that cities worldwide suffer from issues like the lack of ramps or their poor quality. After surveying over 100 people, I confirmed that this problem is a significant vulnerability in our society. Therefore, my team and I are proud to present a navigation app for people with disabilities. We have created a database that includes over five hundred ramps in one of the districts of Almaty. Using this data, our neural networks will generate routes for people with disabilities, incorporating points with accessible ramps. Our app already features a user-friendly interface and a high-quality database that classifies ramps into different categories. We have also engaged with our target audience to ensure the app meets their needs. Although the app is still in the development stage, as integrating such a complex routing mechanism is challenging. Also we have already secured investors. This app has the potential to become fully operational within the next few months.



1 Autor

My idea is Livewire, which will improve electric vehicle (EV) charging and grid modernization with its products: the GridSmart ChargePro, GridSmart ChargeLite, GridSmart UpgradeSuite, and GridSmart Insight. I aim to accelerate electric vehicle adoption, modernize electric grids, and promote sustainable energy sources. GridSmart ChargePro, a smart-charging system for residential and commercial use, will optimize grid usage and enhance sustainability. It will have features like dynamic load balancing, renewable energy integration, and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities. V2G lets electric vehicles give unused power back to the power grid when a lot of power is needed. There's also a free app that gives you real-time updates, tips on how to use the system, and shows you how much you are helping the environment. The GridSmart UpgradeSuite will update electric grids with tools that enhance reliability, efficiency, and eco-friendliness. Smart Meters for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solutions will make billing more precise and increase customer confidence. The Distribution Management System (DMS) will improve the grid by automating how much energy is distributed and adding in green energy sources. Predictive Maintenance Tools will use AI and machine learning to predict when the grid might fail or need maintenance, allowing problems to be fixed before they happen. These solutions will improve energy distribution, lower costs, and make electric companies more profitable. GridSmart Chargelite, a cost-effective version of ChargePro, will be perfect for smaller systems and individual users. It will balance power loads dynamically and incorporate renewable energy. GridSmart Insight will offer analytics and real-time monitoring, giving insights into how energy is used and how the grid is performing. With the help of AI and machine learning, GridSmart Insight will optimize energy use, predict demand, and spot maintenance needs. This will make power grids more reliable and lower operating costs. Also, Livewire's principles will be based on ESG principles. I aim to lower greenhouse gas emissions, support renewable energy, and make power grids more efficient. This will help gain the support from end-users and governments. To sum it up, Livewire will help guide the shift towards a future where energy is sustainable and efficiently used through innovative products and tech solutions. Livewire pitch video: https://youtu.be/J-kbZ9TyG18 Livewire slideshow: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jGd1mmPuimi31oSQQLJFCFy5PY6hsywT/view?usp=sharing

The phrase "heautontimorumenos" derives from Greek and was the title of Terence's great comedy. In his comedy, he famously said, "I am a man, I consider nothing human to be alien to me". Terence's play emphasizes ideals like understanding, human respect, and availability to others, as defined by the Latin term Humanitas: we are people, not individuals. This idea faithfully embodies the aspects of the third purpose of the Sdgs: taking an interest in the needs of others, caring for their well-being and mental health. This project consists of arousing the collective spirit of empathy and solidarity among unique people. My plan is to develop an application/site with the goal of offering rapid support to each user, including those with no expertise and not abandoning them in a time of need. This project aims to disseminate information about physical and mental health, such as the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, the consequences of drug abuse, health and hygiene habits to promote a better living environment, fresh and sealed food storage, and so on. Furthermore, the site/app (hypothetically) features an area where the user can enter physical or mood symptoms into the search box, and based on the data supplied, the user is presented with more concise content that meets his needs. Finally, this function would be extremely useful for those who do not have a guide in their life, in this case Heautontimorumenos is an effective tool for reaching useful contacts and instructions to take into account for the greatest guarantee of one's health. Heautontimorumenos means "self-tormenter," which is why I chose this term to represent my thought. People who are suffering from diseases or psychological disorders frequently believe that they deserve to be in misery and that there is no way out. Life presents us with limited options, or we may not recognize them. In short, remember that we are all one; do not abandon yourself alone; seek support until you obtain it, and you will see that its signal will return to the hearts of others who were looking for you.

EC Peazy

1 Autor

Vision Statement: Our startup, "EC Peazy," is designed to provide high school students with access to many extracurricular activities for high schoolers. The ultimate goal is to foster a hotspot for students to find potential activities(competitions, camps, internships, research) that can aid in their professional development by providing the opportunity to gain experience in their career field and by helping them stand out in college and job applications. This platform utilizes an AI assistant to guide and support students in their chosen activities and competitions, making the opportunities easy to get and educational. Core Objective: The core objective of EC Peazy is to utilize web design and AI to enhance students' participation in extracurriculars. By simplifying the discovery and engagement process, we aim to transform how students explore their interests and develop their talents. The platform excels in providing a pathway for students to easily access worldwide extracurriculars and how to excel in them. Problem Statement: Many high school students struggle to find extracurricular activities that align with their interests and goals. This issue often leads to missed opportunities for personal growth and career development. EC Peazy addresses this issue by providing a hub for finding meaningful extracurricular activities and utilizing AI support to help students in those activities. Importance of Extracurricular Involvement: Extracurricular involvement is important as these activities are vessels for growing a student’s career early. Extracurriculars allow students to contribute and play a part in their career area outside the school classroom while facilitating career growth, newfound ideas, and industry knowledge. They also play a significant part in college admissions and job applications, hence why many high schoolers sought after them when they could.  EC Peazy will aid students in maximizing their potential by offering support and resources tailored to their interests and activities. Platform Features and Scenarios: EC Peazy features a large database of extracurricular activities, composed of academic competitions, pre-college camps, school programs, career competitions, and recommended career activities(Start a business, engage in or start a club, etc.)  The AI assistant will provide personalized recommendations based on the student's interests and goals. It can isolate Extracurriculars based on major, grade level, and categories of those activities.  It can help students along the way while they partake in the activity and can also be someone to talk to in terms of college applications and writing.   Empowerment and Societal Impact: EC Peazy’s objective of encouraging students to explore and develop their interests can lead to a more engaged and motivated youth, contributing to a more bright and career-developed society. Additionally, EC Peazy can help bridge the gap in opportunities, ensuring all students have access to meaningful experiences and a form of help to aid them along their path.

online course on communication "GoTalk"

My project is called the Go Tolk online communication course. This course lasts 4 weeks and is designed for people who have difficulty expressing their thoughts clearly and talking about various topics. My course consists of 4 important parts: author's card game TalkOut team building on communication daily interactive tasks author's guide "10 steps to developing communication skills" At team building events, I want to introduce a mini-debate format, because this option is one of the best for helping course participants express their thoughts clearly and learn how to talk with people on different topics. They can listen to the opinions of others, analyze and express their own point of view. I came up with the card game myself, starting with the design and ending with different life situations. This game will help participants get to know each other better and make new friends on the project Мy project solves many problems related to communication. A person's confidence is undermined due to lack of communication and he begins to withdraw into himself. Their self-esteem begins to fall and their mental health becomes unstable. In addition, due to problems with communication skills, it will be difficult for a person to climb the career ladder. It will be difficult for a person to communicate with colleagues at work. This leads to another problem: business and entrepreneurship. If a person does not trust others, does not listen to the advice of colleagues, this can reduce the productivity of the company.

POW (Protect Our World) is an environmental advocacy initiative aimed at empowering the young generation to take action on critical ecological issues. We believe that by educating and engaging young people, we can inspire a movement towards a more sustainable future.

AskALICE: The Artificial Intelligence Chatbot for Assistance Programs (Bridging the Gap for ALICE)

Historically, nonprofit organizations like United Way and Feeding America assist the 37.9 million Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) households in the U.S. To quantify their socioeconomic impact and identify gaps in targeted relief efforts, this study analyzes data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series and U.S. Census data. Findings reveal a significant gap in benefitted ALICE households, primarily due to inadequate access to information. To address this, AskALICE, an AI chatbot, was developed using Yellow.ai’s Orchestrator LLM to offer easily accessible, centralized information on assistance programs, ensuring better outreach and support for ALICE households. A research paper manuscript (MS30691: "Bridging the Gap for ALICE: Charitable Organizations Taking Action Amid Rising Inflation and Further Solutions Using Artificial Intelligence”) has also been formulated alongside a Princeton University Undergraduate Student (Rishika Porandla, Astrophysics and Statistics/ML) and has been submitted for publication at MIT Press' "The Review of Economics and Statistics", the 10th (impact level of 8.0) most prestigious economics journal in the world, with 84 years history of applied (especially quantitative) economics. MS30691 Research Paper Manuscript Submission Link (copy and paste into web browser): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R6O__1dpid66DaFkMKtq12WOlO_uWQfW/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108132761455265304334&rtpof=true&sd=true

Solar Health Hubs are an innovative approach to addressing the healthcare disparities in rural areas by leveraging sustainable energy and community resources. These hubs are modular, solar-powered clinics that provide essential medical services, preventive care, and health education. By utilizing renewable solar energy, the hubs ensure a reliable power supply, reducing dependency on erratic or non-existent electricity grids in several rural parts of the world. The modular design allows for easy transportation and assembly, enabling rapid deployment in underserved regions. Solar Health Hubs integrate local materials and labor, fostering community involvement and economic development. The clinics serve multiple functions, operating as healthcare centers, educational hubs, and even potentially create new jobs, maximizing their utility and impact. This approach not only improves health outcomes but also promotes the sustainability and social cohesion in these communities. By breaking away from conventional healthcare delivery models and employing innovative strategies, Solar Health Hubs are able to offer a scalable and sustainable solution to improve the well-being of rural populations.

My idea Urban Blocks is to construct urban landscapes such as schools, hospitals, pools, garages, libraries with recycled shipping containers. Although Shipping container homes already exist and popular, no organization has used shipping containers to build other urban structures, like schools and hospitals, which is where Urban Blocks comes in. My idea focuses heavily on the UN’s 9th global goal: to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. The specific target is to develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, focusing on affordable and equitable access for all. By using shipping containers as constructive materials with the mindset of creating sturdy and efficient structures, the cost of production would be significantly lower and prove to be an economic value to society. My idea also concerns the 11th goal of Sustainable cities and Communities as shipping containers can also be used to make other variables of urbanization such as schools, not to mention that there are shipping container home communities. The 13th goal of Climate Action as the utilization of shipping containers as constructable materials will decrease the amount of construction as it makes up for 40% of global emissions. Lastly the 16th goal, Life on Land, has also contributed to Urban Blocks, shipping containers can be an eco-friendly and nature drive alternative as it will decrease deforestation. Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.  Shipping containers are solid and can withstand most buildings. They are made of steel, which is strong and relatively inexpensive, and have a strong steel frame, walls, ceiling, and floor. The steel used in shipping containers is also resistant to corrosion and is high-strength and low-alloy. The cost for shipping containers varies, depending on their dimensions, but the average cost is $2,000 each. According to HomeGuide, the average cost to build and install a container home is $25,000 to $250,000, while the average cost of a traditional home in the United States is $420,800. The use of shipping containers as construction material can also be a very economical trend. Many manufacturers, organizations, or natural owners of shipping containers can sell their new or used containers for a profit, making it an equitable business. Transforming a shipping container to a home can also be an equitable business.  Welding is heavily used when constructing infrastructure with shipping containers, which could lead to a massive increase in jobs for welders and other professionals such as engineers, architects, and inspectors.  Target 9.a: Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological, and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States. Shipping container homes may be the best solution for less developed countries as they are inexpensive and have eco-conscious features. They are designed to be energy-efficient and can be fitted with a range of renewable energy technologies. They can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions during both the construction and the use of the building. An example of such technology would be solar panels and compost toilets, often installed in these homes. The trend of shipping container homes is prevalent and still growing. People have even started creating small communities filled with just shipping container homes. Here are a few to name:  Stacks at Wilson, an entire community of shipping-container homes built in the Dixie Hills neighborhood in Atlanta. The Schuyler Yacht Basin is located in Schuylerville, New York. Tiny House Village is a modern-styled shipping container home community in Orderville, Utah. Not to mention, they can even be used as portable hospitals in rural areas or to keep up with nomadic transitions, which makes them a great use as nomadic movements are an impactful part of many African tribes’ cultures. Shipping Container Homes are the future, no doubt about it, but they’re hardly promoted or encouraged. Right now, most of those who own or live in a shipping container home deeply care for the environment and see it as a highly contributing factor toward a greener earth. That being said, these individuals make up a small portion of the population. For a significant impact, we as a society need to expose everyone else to help them see that shipping containers have real benefits other than being an eco-friendly solution and more of a necessary tool. I propose expanding its scope from just being a home to a school, a hospital, or a garage. The reality is that shipping containers are valuable construction materials, even if they are being used as scrapes to build skyscrapers. Using shipping containers to build schools, hospitals, and garages Schools will be able to spend more on other expenditures, such as educational programs and extracurriculars, which would be more beneficial and geared toward students. The same can be said about hospitals. Schools and hospitals could quickly expand to create more classrooms without the need for portables by using shipping containers. Shipping Containers can be stacked on top of each other.

Greenhouse gas emissions induced by human activities in land-system changes, freshwater use, and biogeochemical cycles are a driver of climate change, which need to be addressed urgently and systematically. There is huge potential in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in food services in educational institutions worldwide through more sustainable procurement of food. Although the university already has some sustainability initiatives, such as implementing reusable to-go containers and composting food waste, our proposal is targeted toward the source: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing costs, while meeting all nutrient recommendations. Using studies we found as a guide, we’re proposing to develop a greenhouse gas emissions-reduced, nutritionally adequate, and less expensive food list, optimized for minimum deviation from the current food supply, as a means to maximize acceptability, through the use of linear programming, and its impact on food waste, food consumption, and satisfaction will be assessed in the form of a pre-post design using interrupted time series analysis. With the help of professional meal planners and Excel specialists, we will utilize linear programming to develop four optimized models using Excel’s CBC Solver algorithm, where each model optimizes a different aspect of the baseline food list, such as greenhouse gas emissions, costs, and deviation of the optimized food supply compared to the observed food supply. The potential result that we are expecting is a food list that is up to 40% lower in greenhouse gas emissions and costs up to 11% less compared to the baseline, without negative effects on food waste or consumption.


1 Autor

EcoCents is an innovative sustainability initiative aimed at significantly increasing the recycling rates in São Paulo. The city generates a staggering 27,000 tons of waste daily, with only a mere 2.1% being recycled, far below the ideal. By contrast, countries like Germany achieve recycling rates of up to 80%. Our mission at EcoCents is to tackle this environmental challenge head-on by boosting recycling efforts and promoting eco-friendly practices within local communities. EcoCents plans to install conveniently located collection points across various communities in São Paulo. These collection points will enable residents to easily dispose of their recyclable waste. Each participant will receive a unique identification code from our website (https://ecocents.webflow.io/) to label their waste bags, ensuring accurate tracking and rewarding of their recycling contributions. Participants will bring their recyclable materials—plastic, glass, and metal—to the designated collection points, where they will deposit their coded bags into secure bins. Each week, a contracted recycling company will collect and process these materials, ensuring they are recycled efficiently. Based on the type and weight of the recyclables collected, participants will earn points on our platform, which can be exchanged for money via PIX or other plataforms. The EcoCents project aims to not only reduce the environmental impact of waste in São Paulo but also provide financial incentives for community members to engage in sustainable practices. By increasing the recycling rates, we aspire to contribute to a cleaner environment and a more conscious society.


1 Autor

SharEquity bridges the funding gap for high-growth startups in India. Our secure platform connects them with diverse investors, empowers data-driven decisions, and unlocks liquidity through a future secondary market (subject to SEBI approval). We're revolutionizing private equity - join us in building a vibrant ecosystem!

Vigil is a new and one of its kind device that users place on their wrists to track their blood pressure during athletic competitions. Abnormal blood pressure gets reported to medical professionals through the Vigil app, allowing trainers to better judge injury and protect athletes. Vigil is partnered with Samsung to use the best available blood pressure-detecting technology to better ensure the safety of our nation’s athletes.


Medexer is a digital platform that addresses this chronic blood shortage by connecting blood donors directly with certified donation centers.


1 Autor

Ecoflow: A Revolutionary Algae-Based Car Emission Filter Ecoflow is an innovative, patent-pending solution designed to address the pressing issue of car emissions. This compact and biodegradable filter harnesses the natural properties of algae to effectively reduce harmful pollutants released by vehicles. By integrating a layer of algae within a specially designed filter, Ecoflow not only captures carbon dioxide but also converts it into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. This dual functionality not only reduces the carbon footprint of automobiles but also contributes to cleaner air and a healthier environment. Ecoflow stands out with its unique combination of design and sustainability. The filter is designed to fit seamlessly into existing car exhaust systems, making it easy to install and maintain. Its biodegradable materials ensure that it does not contribute to long-term waste, aligning with eco-friendly principles. The benefits of Ecoflow extend beyond individual vehicles. By reducing emissions on a large scale, Ecoflow can play a significant role in combating climate change and improving air quality in urban areas. This innovative solution exemplifies how technology and nature can work together to create a more sustainable future for all.

SolarAqua: Empowering Communities through Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions SolarAqua is an innovative initiative that addresses two critical challenges facing underserved communities: access to clean water and sustainable energy. Through our work at Frisco Engineering Limited and NatureHub Collective Community Organisation, we have developed an integrated approach that combines borehole drilling for water access with solar-powered pumping systems. Our project tackles multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals, primarily focusing on SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), while also contributing to SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). Key components of SolarAqua include: 1. Borehole Drilling: We use advanced techniques to access clean groundwater, providing a reliable water source for communities. 2. Solar-Powered Pumping: Our innovative solar pump systems ensure sustainable and cost-effective water extraction, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. 3. Community Engagement: We work closely with local communities, providing training on system maintenance and promoting water conservation practices. 4. Sustainable Business Model: We implement a pay-as-you-go system for water access, ensuring the project's long-term sustainability and enabling future expansions. The impact of SolarAqua extends beyond just providing water and energy. It improves health outcomes by reducing water-borne diseases, enhances economic opportunities through time saved in water collection, and contributes to climate change mitigation by utilizing renewable energy. Our vision is to scale this model across multiple regions, adapting our approach to local needs and conditions. We're continuously innovating, with plans to integrate IoT for remote monitoring and expand into water purification for areas with contaminated groundwater. Through the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, we seek to connect with like-minded individuals, potential partners, and mentors who can help us amplify our impact and bring sustainable water and energy solutions to more communities in need.

The impact consumer’s behavior on climate change is a major international concern. To achieve digital carbon reduction from the consumer side, we have worked on effective solutions on Carbon Generalized System of Preferences (CGSP) and launched product "Green Inclusive Cloud - Carbon Emission Reduction Digital Account Book" which is a third-party underlying platform for green life and carbon emission reduction measurement. From the schematic diagram of the operation of the carbon account book, it can be seen that the top layer is for 1.4 billion Chinese people and various life scenarios, such as use of public transportation, driving new energy vehicles, sorting garbage, and reducing the use of disposables. Citizens' emission reduction behaviors are recorded by digital firms at the second layer, and at the same time the carbon account book is authorized to quantify and record, forming three account books for the government, enterprises and individuals. This has become essential as household consumption accounts for about two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions highlighted in UNEP's 2020 Emissions Gap Report. “Consumption end” has gradually overtaken “production end” to contribute more carbon emissions, which is a difficult and pain point of governance. The project uses digital technology to handle this challenge. The platform that digitally quantifies and awards the public's green behaviors has accumulated over 40 million users to participate in emission reduction, achieving a reduction of over 1 million tons. There are 1.4 billion people in China and 7 billion people in the world, our aim is to have more individuals reducing their carbon emissions and expand this solution globally.

Skin Scan

1 Autor

One of the significant environmental issues often overlooked is the proliferation of chemical waste generated by makeup and skincare products. As consumer demand for cosmetics and personal care items continues to soar, so does the production and disposal of these products, leading to a surge in chemical waste accumulation. Many conventional beauty products contain a myriad of synthetic chemicals, including preservatives, fragrances, and colorants. SkinScan allows users to scan their skin, providing an accurate analysis of their specific skin condition, whether it's acne, hyperpigmentation, or other issues. Instead of relying on influencer opinions or generalized product recommendations, Skin Scan uses this data to generate tailored suggestions. This approach eliminates the misinformation associated with social media trends.


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