Tags & Disziplinen
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Top-Themen & Artikel
Guy Kawasaki, The Art of the Start
Abstract: Guy Kawasakis "The Art of the Start" ist ein essenzieller Leitfaden für Gründer...
Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way
In ‘The Artist's Way’, Julia Cameron presents a twelve-week course aimed at ov...
„Uncommon Genius: How Great Ideas are Born”, Denis Shekerjian
Shekerjian untersucht den kreativen Prozess hinter den Werken von 40 MacArthur-Genies und...
„The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life”, David Robson
The book explores how the power of expectations shapes our perceptions and experiences and...
Wir wollen dich dabei unterstützen deine Lernprozesse effizient zu gestalten, damit d...
New Leadership
Unter New Leadership verstehen wir die Fähigkeit, effektiv zu führen, indem man die richtigen Dinge tut, Teams autonom arbeiten lässt und emotional intelligent agiert.
Rolf Dobelli: Die Kunst des guten Lebens
„The Art of Living Well” by Rolf Dobelli is a guide comprising 52 short chapte...
Mastery: Robert Greene
“Mastery: The Modern Machiavellian” by Robert Greene is a comprehensive work t...
Richard Florida - The Creative Class
Richard Florida is an American urban researcher and sociologist known for his theory of th...
Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman
This book offers deep insights into decision-making and the cognitive processes that are c...
„The Lean Startup” - Eric Ries
Eric Ries develops the concept of Lean Startup, which is based on the principles of iterat...
Prototyping Conversations
Prototyping Conversations sind ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für jeden angehenden Entr...